Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Even I don't know what lies ahead..

How wonderful are my roomates  this semester Chy and Teh, diorg sgt comel dan adorable.This is what they have told me to write. Perhaps this is because I am in a biul state right now, apparently I am too biul to study mandarin but have just the right amount of  biul  to let them tell me what to write in my blog. I guess I'll let them have this one. 

My future is mine. Cakap senang bikin susah tau. But sorry to say my future is not wholly mine , my future belongs to me, it is my mom's and my dad's. Since a lot of things I do now, sangat berkait with my mom  and dad since diorang yg carved my future.  

One of the reasons, for this post is a talk I have had with my mom. It's more an argument than a talk.

 I've entered UiTM's debate club. It is awesome. Never would have I tought I'll be proud of my english, and find myself in an English talking community in UiTM. They use like really2 big words, words that I think only  lawyers would understand, so kita rase ashamed and challenged at the same time. I've entered my first tournament , b coz ade group yg tak leh attend. 

And we didn't lose too badly, for Someone who've joined debate club for a week maybe two , I thought we did good.  So I've sacrified one of my weekends. So I didn't study.  like didn't study at all with 3 tests piling up all week along.

So told my mother about it. Dia said something like this " tulah ko ikut nafsu, ko dah janji kat diri kau, kau akan jaga diri kau mase degree ni  benda ni ko boleh buat mase kau tua tau"

you see one of the many things I've learn from debate club is

so although I feel like I want to cry bila dia ckp macam tu, I have kuat kan diri  and said these words to her "mana mami tau Rad ada peluang macam ni lagi bila dah tua" senyap gak lah dia for 3-5 seconds.

Because I  know it  as much as she knows what lies in my future, is that we both know nothing. How does she know that  I'll  have this exact chance and oppurtinity when I'm old. What if I'm destined to work in a lab and do the same things everyday and will never got to do this, the thing that I love so very much : my English and my presenting skills.

Kalo mase tgk bakteria bawah microscope tu boleh jadi MC untuk majlis konvo diorg ke ape  ke takpe lah gak . Ni cakap "hi tgh buat apa tu?"   pun tak leh, kalo buat macam tu mesti org dalam lab fikir biul ke kurang waras budak ni?

My point is,

kalo kita sendiri tuan punya badan  don't know what lies in my future, apa yg buat dia lebih tahu?  Disebabkan tu, shouldn't I grab the first oppurtinity and chance that I've got  to show to the world @public what are the magnificent things I'm capable of? (poyo nak mampus budak ni, magnificent tu)

Senang cakap kalo kita tak buat sekarang, bila lagi kita nak buat? Ada satu lagi sebab sebenarnya kenapa kita tulis pasal future ni, but till next time.


  1. nk tanya. mcm mana nk buat reaction tu?? nk buat tp tak reti haha.. >.<

  2. Kita rase ko dah buat pun... thanx...

  3. Hi, Rad!

    I joined the Debate Club when I was in uni and it helped me tremendously! It helped me learn to structure my thoughts, formulate persuasion, forced me to learn things I don't like because I don't know enough to debate well (still can't, :D), get to meet new people, learn to network and develop critical thinking.

    Oh, and tell your mum that it looks really good on your resume. It means that you have a good command of English (which all employer wants) and are able to communicate well.

    However, that said, you will have to make sure that nothing else get sacrificed (like your studies, for example) while you enjoy your time in the debating club.

    All the best, sugar!

  4. Thanks for the support. Nice to be able to share my thoughts to a fellow debater. It's not like one those extremely formal clubs. It is extremely fun and exciting, the members and the tenaga pengajar are awesome.

  5. I don't know very many clubs in uni that is highly structured or organised, except maybe AIESEC. Just have fun and learn as much as you can, sweetie!

