Saturday, December 29, 2012

lend me a hand??? people 101 (2)

The train is  my favourite mode of public transport ever untuk balik Tampin.

Jadi there will be times that I spend dekat KL Sentral,waiting for my train to depart. And I like it there. Mcm shopping mall pun ade KL sentral tu.

As you know there are like tons of people there.Tourists, workers,  foreigners, locals  and macam-macam lagi kan?

I guess what I am trying to bring up in these post is Courteous Malaysians... where are you?

Sebab there  were a few incidences where I hope my fellow Malaysians would help, tapi usually those who would offer me assistance are the non Malaysians.

1)Masa tgh angkat beg berat gila nak naik KLsentral tu foreigner yg offer untuk tolong angkat beg tu (masa tu tgh revision week, nak balik study konon...jadi banyak buku)

2) The same masa nak balik KL, foreigner yg angkatkan beg.

3) Just recently, masa nak letak bag kat overhead compartment kat dalam train, a caucasian guy helped me to push my bag up.

4) When I asked a Malaysian guy for assistance to do the same thing, siap boleh cakap lagi "Batu ke apa dalam bag ni?" (laptop antik kan berat lah sikit)


I think this is what I see a lot in Malaysia, dalam buses contohnya, those yg offer seats kat  elderly women, will be foreigners.

Tapi I guess, bukan salah Malaysians agaknya, mungkin takut dianiaya bila tolong org... mcm yg kita selalu dengar kat berita tu... dadah ada dalam beg and such.

Tapi kalau org Malaysia takut ditipu, foreigners pun must feel the same way kan sebab diorg pun manusia jugak kan?
Tapi foreigners  boleh pulak tolong org di Malaysia  kan biarpun ini bukan negara mereka ? dan org yg ditolong bukan rakyat mereka sendiri?

Jadi kalau  foreigners boleh tolong org Malaysia apa yg menghalang rakyat Malaysia dari menolong org Malaysia sendiri?

 I guess, I am asking where are the Courteous Malaysians? yg  Like those yg disiarkan kat tv. Yg I see are a lot of  Malaysians yg cepat menghakimi org berdasarkan org punya pakaian and physical appearances.

I am not saying I am better human being, I am just seorang anak muda yg sedang belajar everyday in hope to be a better person in many years to come.

Man, susahnya menulis pasal a serious issue...

life lessons 2012: feedbacks, cara terima

Salam semua, moga dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera hendaknya. Dalam beberapa hari lagi kita akan masuk tahun baru, that is the year 2013. Hence, the new look... (chewah!!!)

I gotta say, tahun ni I have gathered  a lot of knowledge about people and life. Hopefully, bila dah banyak buat kerja dan belajar ni my face takdelah macam baby sgt. Because that is what I  have gathered from the people I worked with, I look too naive and my behaviour agak jujur (dalam kata lain agak lurus bendul). You know kata-kata tu doa if they keep saying I look naive, I will forever look naive kan?
mcm ni ke rupa saya? Comelnya...

But then again,I like my look, tapi I want my look to be accompanied by  level of maturity  yg org tak sangka ada kat she who looks  'jujur' ni.

So regarding feedbacks, I've got lots of them regarding my event. Well these feedbacks I guess I can call them constructive criticisms.

1) Dari paksu
Dari gaya Paksu cakap, I thought he was going to complement the emcee but this is what he mentioned instead:
- emcee seksi, (she was bidan terjun at the time)
-dia patut tahu how to introduce speaker (since she is a student of mescomm faculty) but I guess she didn't know how to do that
masa tu I wasn't there (sebab nak ambik cawan)
-jgn buat event selepas tiga event berturut-turut (had no choice, that was the only date available) sebab tulah semua org nampak lemau, (I am myself surprise that I didn't get sick)

that was certainly unexpected... :|

2) Dari president
-again emcee seksi, pretty much it (dia laki kan so...)

3)Dari mantan setiausaha
-best program!!!!, buat lagi boleh?
sayang bee, ;)

4) Dari bendahari program
'RAD,jangan sesekali ko tunjuk dekat caterer budget kita lagi ok?!!!'

So what to do with these feedbacks? Well mula-mula rasa pelik dan sedikit stress org komplen banyak-banyak (rasa mcm kena kutuk) I guess now I'm quite okay with it and belajar supaya x buat these mistakes and buat event yg lebih baik lagi di masa hadapan

terasa statement aku sendiri sungguh cliche...

So bagi seseorang yg kosong  terus jadi event manager rasanya I did alright with a few flaws here and there kan ? I sure hope so... Aminnnn and thank you  God.

Friday, December 28, 2012

life lessons 2012: people 101

I've been watching a lot of videos on you tube  lately that I haven't been reading or writing a lot, so having a  a really difficult time to start off this post.

Today is the 28th of December , I carried out my event on the 18th of November. Although it was small and the event name indicated it was going to be boring (although I can assure you it wasn't) it turned out to be pretty well.

some othose attended the event
One thing I did learn was that, event management walaupun dalam sekecik-kecik event, there are a lot things that goes on dekat belakang tabir. That was a very important lesson. Which reminded me not to ever  mengumpat, mengomplen (wujudkah perkataan tersebut)  pasal org punya event sesuka hati.

I guess this taught me untuk  lebih respect event management business ( dah buat, baru tau bukan senang) dan lebih menghargai  events yg UiTM set up kan

The second would be, is I have learnt  to WORK  with people ( selama ni aku kerja dengan monkeys kah). When you work with PEOPLE, it mengajar kau how to be a part of your subordinates and still conduct them. This a skill I yet have to master, sebab hari tu ade my KEFAJAR peers yg agak garang, I felt like disagreeing, tapi didn't, sebab takut dengan dia. Sedangkan I was project manager KAN?

I also learn to be thankful for those yg AJK dan bukan  AJK  who have helped me out. Either sebab kesian nampak project manager tengah angkat kotak air yg sgt berat @ bertujuan mengusya, apa-apa pun Thank you, you guys, couldn't have done it without you.

All and all what I can say is event that  I would regard as my training wheel, dah selesai. So now I can move on to larger and more meaningful things: trip to THAILAND anyone?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

aku tgh procrastinating

That is a very hard word to spell (seriously, I have to look it up). And I hate it, but I am doing it right now.

I have assignments to do and they are due next week. Esok, name je hari Ahad, tapi ade event kolej yg makan masa 1 hari, dan meeting untuk dinner persatuan malam esok, damn....

I have to say, I'm probably procrastinating because:

1) I am excited (bukan yg bagus punya excited, worried punya excited) about my event.
     So much so, that I can't concentrate in class, I can't do work, all I can think about is getting it done.
2) Bila I do work, in front of my laptop, I turn on everything else when I got bored and want a break, I read these "everything else" for, well, for a very long time.

Things I have to do?

a) literature review.... nak habiskan hari ni nampaknya there's no chance of that happening dan takde dalam journal about the things I'm going to write, jadi nanti tanya supervisor.... (this chapter is hard....)

b)event things to talk about in the meeting-done

c) computer programming homework- ok esok buat (yelah tu....)

d) philosophy of science (paper yg boring, xde exam, setakat lulus dan gagal, tapi kena lepas) ok buat lepas blogging

Other than that, my cat's death still bothers me... but the event management thing is a good distraction from it (and from doing my school work....)

So this excitement thing, I know I need to turn it down a notch , to find  peace and serenity so I can study and do work but I can't.... what the hell is wrong with me?

So last but not least, (it's my conscious turn now) Rad kalo ko dah sedar..... daripada ko blog x tentu arah baik quit and do your school work, since itu yg menentukan ko akan grad atau tak!!!!!!!!

So Selamat Tengah Malam untuk semua org..............

Saturday, October 20, 2012

for a little while I felt like an adult

I am directing an activity for my persatuan,

its nothing big, nothing fancy... Program Smart Learning jer...
At first, I thought of doing this small (50 people) and to give back to my persatuan sebab I think being with them have helped me to improve my grades. But he said, do 100, and do it for other kids  too....
I was like WHAT???? (dalam hatilah....)

But doing the proposal on my own (tiga jerawat tumbuh serentak),
 meeting and talking to my boss  and setiusaha agung on my own (segan gila.... although I know diorang sporting habis)
going to the canseleri on my own  (jalan kaki tau takde keta??? Budak uitm je tahu berapa atas bukitnya canseleri tu) to get penasihat punya  stamp kelulusan.
Tuhan je tahu, berapa menakutkan semua ni for me. Tuhan je tahu how I felt this is such a big responsibility for little ol me. Sebab I guess I always think myself as a 22 year old baby (yelah an only child kan) that can't  do anything or know anything about event management. There are times when I felt like dropping everything.

But on that day, (15th Oct to be precise) my proposal got through ( although she said ade benda yg adik kena isi lagi ni then pulangkan balik ok dik? & banyak budget kena potong)

I felt like an actual adult...
I felt like I'm really working, meeting actual people, actual adults, dekat Pusat Kegiatan Pelajar, although it was scary to think that my proposal might be turned down, but I went it for it anyways...
and it did  got through

I was glad...
Although after I got my surat kelulusan I sort of TERCENGANG "NAK BUAT APA LEPAS NI?
 and this girl who knows nothing is now the PROJECT MANAGER (crap!! what have I gotten myself into?)
God, tolonglah bagi kami membantu antara sesama sendiri (to help me specifically) so that benda ini berjalan dengan jayanya.... Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin....

Friday, July 27, 2012

Its not fair, I want to have breakfast too...

I  am now on a train  heading home. 
Its not fair. One of the things I now, hate to do in a fasting month, is balik rumah naik train. 

Why????you may ask....

The tourists are eating. I like to eat during a train ride, it is one of the nikmat of berjalan jauh.  Tapi since it is ramadhan...

Masuk masuk je, train, dah bau food these tourist are having for breakfast.I think I had a sniff of McMuffin. That was me before fasting month. I was the one who supposed to buy McD's Breakfast. I use to do that, beli banyak  banyak makanan, lepas tu makan dalam train.

Tapi since it is ramadhan...
Ambik bau jelah. Damn these tourists, its not fair. I want to have breakfast too.

Tulah rajin bebeno ambik intersesi mase bulan puasa....

My seat

Friday, July 20, 2012

he wanted the truth...

 but obviusly he couldn't handle the truth..

I didn't want to do anything mean or hurtful, (since these couple of years, I have this disease of wanting people to like me), 

but I had to be honest, since that was what he wanted 

Him : " Rad.. saya dah xde peluang ke? jujur je ngan sy, memang sy langsung xde dalam hati awak ke?"

Well, I told him (english translated): "I don't want a boyfrriend right now, kalo ade pun it isn't you"

then he texted something like this : (with the transition of awak ke kau)
  "Thanks, ko dah lukakan hati aku sedalam dalamnya.Salam"

We are over, over a year ago.

 Hari tu je terjumpa, and I didn't recognize him at all.
 I didn't mean it, and if I could I still want to friends with him, you know since guys are great to be friends with. 
They are kind of cool, bila diorang dibuat kawan.
When you make them your boyfriends, they lose all that machoness and coolness, kind of like your cat yg extremely manja nak menglesek je kat kaki satu hari suntuk. 

Contoh kucing yg nampak macho tapi manje nak mampus

I didn't mean to be mean, and I am not sorry, does that make me a bad person?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

we stood and yelled "EXAM DAH HABIS"

It is amazing how I am one of those who have the ability to shove, almost 14 weeks of lecture in 3 days, then regurgitate the whole thing on a 2 hour exam, then left the whole thing forgotten. Tapi here's the thing, even if I was able to memorize the whole thing in 3 days, mesti ade  yg tersalah title and isi, well 3 days adelah tidak sufficient  untuk memahami dan memastikan each jawapan adalah tepat, however it is sufficient untuk hafal dan jawab past year.

On to stupid  things done after the exam...
On Friday the 13th ...
1) The bus that I have taken to the faculty untuk ambik exam pergi route lain, exam dah nak start kita org baru sampai dewan....

2) Sepatutnya watched spiderman yg ke berapa entah (this was done right after the exam dgn mata dan kepala yg sgt sakit)

but we (my best friend and I ended up watching momok). It was a stupid movie, about people making a stupid hantu movie. It should have won the worst movie award. Even someone amateur homemade movie was better than that movie.

Tapi Kita org dapatlah contribute 20 bucks to the suckiest Malaysian movie ever made.

But since there were only us in the theater, we had fun, since we couldn't remember the last time we spent some time alone.

3)  After that we went to the book store, and realised how religious have my best friend have become...with all the religious books she wanted to buy, tapi tak jadi sebab dia xde duit.

Saturday the 14th

4) Sebab nak tgk rumah sewa, wanted to got up at 8.30 tetapi terbangun pukul 11.00 pagi. Lepas tu
 ajak  my best friend (dia kata, dah balik, tapi sebenarnya x balik lagi)
 ajak  ex roomate  (tgh exam mase tu),
 ajak  classmate ( x angkat telefon)
 ajak  a guy friend  ( baru lepas exam, jadi dia kata boleh sebab semua body part dia masih  sakit). 

Jadi ended up going by myself (so why did I bother to call of all those people in the first place?)

5) Went to a bon odori (Japanese Summer Festival ) with 6-7 dudes (because my classmate won't come along)  kat Shah Alam, but nothing bad happened..... had actual fun...   danced,  eat weird japanese stuff, tgk org pukul gendang tu.
girls and their yukatas
mase baru sampai

the boy on the right, cute isn't he?

the boys

6) makan kat barra dgn diorg sekali dgn my classmates. Then kena marah dgn my classmate and my guy friend,
"Why did you went out, with 7 dudes????? what if something bad were to happen?"
   Sebab ko tak nak pgi dgn aku bila aku ajak...............

7) My guy friend took my classmate and I to watched a midnight movie, tapi x jadi sebab kita org dah lewat,  so we went to Tanjung Harapan standing up and yelling
                    "EXAM DAH HABIS"
my guyfriend picking his nose mase kat beach.

gila malu, but we did what we wanted and had to do....

8) Went out to have a drink where my guy friend usually eats.... nak tauhu bakar, tapi takde laparnya.

Kita org got back lebih kurang at 4.30 am. I got to say 2 hari yg  I didn't expect  will turn out that way.

My guy friend said something like this, " sebab hari tu dah janji nak keluar ramai2 dgn kau tapi tak jadi, tu sebab aku ajak keluar ( dia x boleh tido lepas exam  dia ,  is also one of the reasons why he took us out )

So stupid and crazy things I did with my friends after the exam....

Saturday, June 23, 2012

gam jelah, nanti jahit you won't look as cute.

When you are in a baju kurung, carrying God knows what in your bag (laptop, telekung, make up stuff, stationary, mp4,and of course my phone) you think, you are late because it is a friday evening, never ever ever rush while you try to catch a bus ride home or this would happen.

But I felt it was kind of cool, with all the blood and all, the only downside was a little embrassed because jatuh mcm nangka da. and risau I will chip one of my teeth, but didn't.  There were those who helped get me back on my feet, tapi tak boleh ke diorg tunggu aku landing kat situ, sekejap menghayati pemandangan uitm yg indah, dah lah jatuh betul betul depan CiTU (kalo budak UiTM Shah Alam ,tak tau ape tu CiTU...) I wanted to take pictures of dried blood that covered my neck and tapi my friend who I met along the way suruh I was them off before she put antiseptic and put a band-aid on it. So no pictures of blood. 

I managed to beli air, hantar beg kat bilik sebelum pgi Pusat Kesihatan (nasib baik dkt je). But  I found out that nurses are better and they know a lot more than doctors do. Since she was the one who decided I should get my chin glued, rather than the doctor yg ckp "ni xde ape ni... sikit je, kena bersihkan je" since my chin won't stop bleeding. 

It was a rather productive treatment : sebab while she was gluing my wound, had a talk with her. That was cool.  Kak Faz was what I called her. She said I should get glued rather than stiches. the reason is due to the above mentioned title. (Wahaha cute kah, eden?)

So  yesterday, I got hurt, today my mom and dad visited me, tapi diorg tak perasaan pun till I told them sebelum diorg balik tadi, lepas tu siap call lagi to confirm : 

mami marah x? ayah marah x?

my mom punya response : baju koyak x, laptop rosak x?

Monday, June 18, 2012

while I'm here on my own doing nothing

Dissapointed... I thought he was like me. I long to meet someone like me. 

Someone who would put his hopes and dreams over everything else. Alas.. he is not. I really like him too. Even told him " Sayang ko" that night. But not like that. More like a big brother that I truly appreciate.For his support, his guidance. Crap!!! why did I say that to him?

I think it is because he was the one who was always there for me. He was the one who told me " jangan bagi org bagi tahu kau apa ko boleh dan tak boleh buat" , "percaya kat diri ko, aku tahu ko boleh" he was the only one who keep telling me I should believe and realise my dreams. He was the guy I would talk too if things get too hard or too unbearable.  This is why I would say such a thing too him.

Alas  he has a girlfriend. Whom that night was in his car, when we told him to pick us up, because  gate uitm seksyen 7 DAH TUTUP malam tu ( sebab buat kerja gila sampai pukul 12 malam). Apparently he introduced her to his family that night. I don't know why suddenly I feel all different about him. like he wasn't my friend anymore???.  But I know he is still the same person who supported me all those time, My PEMBAKAR SEMANGAT as I  would affectionately call him.

I didn't think he has a girlfriend. He sure never have mentioned her before. When we all went out together, he sure doesn't look like someone who have a girl friend.  I don't have a crush on him. I really don't. I just really want to meet someone like me. 

Someone who doesn't have a boyfriend and wants to achieves her hope and dreams over anything else. That someone would be socially retarded like me I guess. I don't have anything against it. It just that my bestfriend have a boy friend, and this guy have a girlfriend who he intends to marry. And I think they are rubbing it on my face

Susah sgt ke nak jumpa a friend who doesn't have a partner and just want to achieve his hopes and dreams. I guess I'm just afraid of losing my best friend and him to their loved ones. Even though there are times my best friend Zuzu, would say that she want to go out with just me , "Rad bila kita nak couple sama sama ni, asyik keluar ramai ramai je" She said something about " gila awak lain kalau awak dgn kita je". Takde bukti yg sahih that stated my crazy is different when I'm with her.

I would say " Saja, aku punya sukalah nak menduakan kau wahahaha"

I guess I am just afraid  because while they are with those who love them I'll be  out here on my own doing nothing.