Monday, October 17, 2011

Felt lain MACAM-macam

They say if I did get job, they would give me a call. but they didn't. My roomate told me that her bestfriend's roommate got the job. So tahulah tak dapat. Dah lah mase tu tgh lipat baju.

chy : apasal ko lipat baju senget2?
aku :  biasalah org x biasa lipat baju.

chy: ko tau tak roomate tiq dah dapat kerja  tu.
aku : ha? ye ke ?

Then lipat baju balik. I tried to control macho.tapi dah namanya perempuan kan  I guess I just couldn't. Then call my mom," I didn't get the job" Mase ni suara aku dah lain macam dah, mami kita cakap ape" ala takpelah ko pun kata nak jaga diri ko sem ni kan. " Then letak telefon. 

Then I couldn't bare it anymore, I grabbed my keys and then went into one of the showers and lock the door. lepas tu nangis mcm jembalang hilang anak, dah agak 30-50 saat macam tu, heard Chy masuk bilik air.

Lepas tu keluar bilik air dgn muka yg sangat sembab dan bengkak. She saw me, lepas tu dia dtg kat kita pujuk kita,  " Nangis, nangis puas2, takpe tak dapat jadi tutor boleh jadi lecturer ye?" Lepas tu dia mandi and then I went back to my room, Lepas tu dgn tak sangkanya , ada coklat atas meja kita . 

Satu bar Chocolate yg mamat yg suka dia ni bagi kat dia, dgn note ini.

Terharunya!!!!! Tak pernah ada org pujuk kita mcm tu,siap bagi coklat lagi, coklat cadbury yg besar dan sedap lak tu.  

Hari tu felt like the worst day of my life dan rase mcm boleh nangis sebulan , rase mcm I have a boyfriend who I love so very2 much, and then he died, mcm tu kut rasenya bf mati .( I had a bf tapi xpernah syg dia, guess that's why I dump him) sedih yg teramat sgt, tapi ade roomate yg sgt awesome... jadi legalah sikit,

Tapi  tak sampai seminggu kita dah tak rasa sedih sgt  cuma terkilan, I guess I really wanted it , tapi they went for students with an english background, so what can I do?

Chy did say, mane tau tak dapat jadi cikgu tiba Rad jadi famous lak kat UiTM ni jadi pendebat yg hebat.  (I've joined a UiTM debate club anyways) and debated last week with actual opponents sebab ade kumpulan tak dapat hadir kita org gantilah. And it felt awesome, like I lived, like really really lived....

Betullah apa diorg kata satu pintu tutup, yg lain mesti bukaknya..... Have many more things to tell tapi till next time...


  1. true...a person once said that I am an eternal optimist, maybe because for me thinking too much about something that upset u won't make u feel any better...
    Look forward, the world has a lot of things to offer.. :)

  2. then you're like Chy, she said she has this continous flow of energy because she's happy all the time.
