Monday, March 26, 2012

damn!!! been feeling so not me lately

I don't know how long it has been since I last blogged.but I guess because tomorrow is monday and akan ade five really really long days before I could terbungkang atas katil macam hari ni dan semalam, I might as well used this fabulous but  fleeting time untuk menghasilkan karya masterpiece.Bukannya ade benda nak buat macam study ke, finishkan assigments ke kan kan kan? (Tengok tu dah sarcastic habis dah and yet still xnak study)

things that I have endured this last three weeks :

I) Finally dapat  kolej lepas 2 minggu merempat bilik org.
II) Keluar dengan org I met on the internet, and found out how worried my mom got when I told her about   it.  alah bukannya siapa pun budak UiTM jugak, and how negative she really is in person, tapi takpe kawan  jugak kan..
III) First time buat proposal
IV) are now working with three boys finishing an english report. Sometimes, they... well how to put this into words... THEY SUCK. Tapi mungkin they WILL GET BETTER. AMIN.... (Untuk setiap sesuatu ade sebab kenapa TUHAN BUAT MACAM TU,just like there are reasons why God want me to work with boys who let me do all the work)  Hopefully they are WORKING ON THEIR PARTS. Dahlah kelas every MONDAY MORNING, let's just say my weekends dah tak mcm weekeds dah. Dahlah BI is my favourite subject... dush dush (hammer sikit kepala ni)
if I were a depressed anime character on monday morning, this would be me..
IT HAS BEEN THREE WEEKS that I have not attended debate class. I think I'm now DEAD inside..

This is me...  dead inside

BARU TIGA MINGGU BEB, ni pun lab belum start lagi... yet still tak study ape-ape lagi (sem ni lambat sikit azam nak study datang, with me merempat and all that. tapi sekarang dah dapat bilik pun tak study lagi... asyik tgk family guy je... apahal ni ...)

So this is all for now, I don't know why but I've been so depressed lately... actually I do know why. Tapi lain kali punya cerita...

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