Friday, May 18, 2012

On the 16th was Teacher's day and a pink SWEATER

 my mom only received two presents. It is to be expected when you teach form 6 classes in a town I guess.
 Patutlah my mom prefer to teach sekolah dekat pekan daripada kat bandar, although kurang pandai daripada budak budak kat bandar tapi they are better at appreciating and respecting their teachers.  So to  all  teachers and my mom "HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY, sebab tanpa you guys we wouldn't be where we are now"
 Tapi buruk buruk pun sekolah eden jugak, junior junior eden gak :P hehe

Tapi on the bright side, takdelah penuh rumah kita org yg kecik tu dgn hadiah hadiah yg my mom tak tau nak simpan kat mane.

A day before that was my 22nd birthday, this was the first time I celebrated my birthday away from my mom and dad thanks to MOHE yg tukar jadual kuliah Universiti seluruh negara. It felt awkward, knowing people don't really know your birthday, tapi they know your birthday from fbook. So a lot of people wished me happy birthday. A friend of mine asked me to go out, tapi takde buat ape pun keluar je. Itulah masalah nya bila diri ini socially retarded.

The first person to wish me was of course my best friend through facebook, and some other friends.

Belum bangun pagi lagi my dad called, and then my mom texted me, wishing me hb which was super duper weird.  (Texting with my mom is not something I used to do)

So untuk meceriakan hari yg boring I bought myself a couple of B A  donuts, sebab I want  to have something that is cake like, and then I ate them by myself.

But I guess what really touched me, was my best friend appeared in front of my door wishing me HB and gave me a birthday present, which turned out to be a really really pink sweather (which I don't think I have the guts to wear it in public.  I used to like pink (I know its wimpy), but not anymore,  I guess she didn't know that).

Dia dahlah bukannya jenis yg sentiasa ade duit, konvo dia pun dia x pergi, sampai I offered to pay it for her pun dia x nak. Bila I asked ( more like yelled)  why would she spend money on the sweater sdgkan dia boleh guna duit untuk bayar dia punya konvo

She said " sebab awak selalu sejuk, kita tak tahu nak bagi ape", senyap aku dibuatnya then we hugged like ten seconds infront of the class door with people watching.

Although away from my mom and dad I guess this was a better birthday, because there's  no my dad and my mom  screaming their throats out like last year.
So adios for now.

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