Friday, February 22, 2013

bila different generations collide?

Yesterday, I went to my dad's kebun getah... its new, so this is the first time I visited it.
So there was my nenek,
my dad,
and my cousin. she's like a younger clone of myself but chubbier and much more stubborn than I was during her age. Simply put, she is like a 4  year old resurrected me..

So there's like 3 or 4 generations there.My cousin is young enough,  she's so young that I am old enough to be her (very hot and young) mother.
While, we were walking I wish my dad  would do a lot more activities together, like watching tv for example (btw he watches tv dalam bilik)... tak payah tunggu gi kebun...

But, of course I'll never say it out loud, I guess I'll take what I have.
Instead I was teaching my cousin this:
do not say 'aku' or' oii', dekat nenek, or anyone older, say SAYA instead
'kamu' is not a kata ganti diri pertama again say SA-YYY-AAA......
really... what is becoming of Malaysian younger generations?
(I am sounding more and more like a 50- year old )

Thing I learned from granny yesterday: she showed me a tapak kaki babi hutan yesterday. Now I know, babi hutan ade two toes...

pic sekadar hiasan semata-semata (but a true pic of wild boar foot print nonetheless)


  1. Haha..I love ur writing..boleh imagine your situation with your cousin

  2. Again terima kasih, didn't think anyone would be interested...
