Friday, February 22, 2013

menulis pasal Tetra-amelia syndrome

my definition: bila org tu lahir tanpa kedua-dua tangan dan kedua-dua kaki...
                cause: mutation inWNT3 gene
    what's left: the torso and the head

Antara those yg dilahirkan sedimikian: Nick Vujicic a Serbian Australian, a motivational speaker.... now married, and expecting his first child.

He has no arms and no legs tapi masih boleh swim, cook, pick up the phone, shave, type and do things normal people can do. Heck I have all four limbs, sampai hari ni I still can't swim. He's optimism  to be able to live an independent life  has become an inspiration  to a lot of  people to go through life.

Tapi, he didn't always use to be so positive and optimistic, in fact when he was a kid he did try to kill himself because of all the taunting he had to endure. And then as he got  older, he started his non-profit organization 'Life without limbs' founded to motivate people who fell when facing challenges and obstacles to get up again, just like he does every time he falls.

So in this piece I would like to emphasize I am extremely in awe, of his positivity, instead of complaining not to be able to do stuff, he will find new ways to do it. Which is the opposite of what I'll always do....He also that you can't blame the way you are born, because simply that is how you are born, you have to live with it one way or another.

The reason for this piece is because: I temporarily lost the use of my right hand, due to my own recklessness (my dad  kept saying I slipped on a banana peel, which is so not true) last two weeks, and it became a struggle. everything needs  a strategy: to open the door, to unzip my bag (which I successfully did using my teeth), to undo my clothes,till today I still can't hook/unhook my bra.  The first time I put on my pj's that night I yelled out a 'YEAY' after I succesfully pull my arm out of the arm hole.

And then I realized, I take so many things for granted. It's human I supposed, bila benda dah hilang baru rasa how much we need it...

It's not the big things that is hard I supposed, its the littlest things like masa nak potong kuku (that was difficult) and when I try to put on the seat belt too,  that was almost impossible...

So the lesson here is not to take things for granted, do what you have to do NOW (it is kind of like sembahyang sebelum disembahyangkan,  wah poyonya eden) sebab you never know when God wants to take something away  from you... plus if a person without limbs can do what he loves to do what's stopping you from doing what YOU love to do?


  1. So camne u menulis? U left handed?. Aha ni peluang utk bljr mnulis ygn kiri kan. Nnt dua2 tgn boleh menulis

    1. Sorry for the late reply... I didn't anyone berminat dgn apa yg saya tulis I am a lefty so sgt sgt bersyukur Tuhan buat me unique.
