Saturday, July 9, 2011

Derma darah semalam

It wasn't my first. It was my third. Tapi rasanya macam it was the first time for the male nurse.
Dari segan-segan nak pegang  cari vein sampai terbukak glove.
Dari pegang tangan kanan sampai pegang tangan kiri.
Rasenya ada sekurang- sekurangnya 6 alcohol swab dia taruk dekat tangan .  lepas alcohol swab dekat tangan dia pergi tempat lain.

Swab alcohol sikit pergi kat org lain
Swab alcohol sikit panggil nurse apahal tak nampak vein.
Swab alcohol sikit tukar tangan lagi la pulak.

Seriously I don't mind , tapi I am telling all of you this because it was a delightful experience. Tengok org Cucuk ubat kat tangan, darah keluar ikut tiub tu, it was all a delightful experience.

Ayah yang mind kut , sebab lepas dia selesai, kita baru nak cucuk. Aside, from my arm feels like nak jatuh satu hari tu, everything was alright, and donate blood because IT SAVES LIVES.


  1. Aha! Another fellow blood donor. Excellent. When I changed my job to one in HUKM, I thought, hey, easy. I can just pop off to the blood bank like I did in UM. And guess what?

    HUKM does not collect blood.

    Swear to God.

    You are a hospital with over 800 beds and you don't collect blood? *insert rant and rave* Apparently they get blood from the Pusat Darah Negara and that's it.

    Boy. Lucky that my contacts in UH told me that I can go donate on Saturday. I just need to time it right.


  2. The same with me. When I finished my practical training at hospital Melaka, I can only donate at my town's hospital. Setap khamis minggu pertama setiap bulan.
