Sunday, July 31, 2011

plastic eyes and essays

apa nak ditaip ni.

1) essays are done
after selesai tulis essay #1 sempat disiapkan essay #2 , shorter about 700-800 words, tapi rasenya better , tapi disebabkan kelam kabut  nak naik bas pun sempat lagi taip.

rasenya sebab ia ditulis with such haste tak sgt berkualiti, tapi tak boring yang mcm first one. 
I know no one gets this excited over an essay competition, tapi as I've mentioned many times, english is my favorite subject and the only thing I'm good at.( lame, huh)

Aside from vigorous exercise, it seems to be the only thing to get my adrenaline pumping (I know I am such a nerd, but again , nerd ape yang boleh fail 4 paper mase dia diploma?)

sekarang tgh cari pertandingan lagi tapi pencariannya terasa sia sia : dia punya syarat2 mcm2 : untuk org sarawak sahaja, untuk pelajar sekolah rendah dan menengah sahaja, untuk pelajar uitm kelantan sahaja, (dah dekat dah tu)  untuk warga perak sahaje, bahasa melayu sahaja, jawi sahaja . I think  negara kita ni perlu kan lebih writing competition supaya dapat melahirkan rakyat yang lebih pandai dan banyak berfikir.( macamlah I am those things)

2) finally managed to put contact lenses into my eye balls (by myself that is)

I believe, ini adalah sebuah kejayaan yang tidak ternilai harganya, dan akan ditulis dalam diari ku yg sebenar. I managed to do this yesterday after perhaps a thirty minute of  trial and error. (kita rase sgt poyo tapi why shouldn't I be proud with myself right?)

Mula-mula dgn mami kita by myside, lepas tu dia letih dan fed up ( tahulah dia dah pro kan), dia pun belah.

After nudging my eyeballs repetitively , finally dengan tidak percayanya melekat jugak kat anak mata kita .  

Wahahaha  (as you can see, I am truly ecstatic by this), BERJAYA jugak.  after  hari ini pun lebih kurang jugak ceritanya, tapi tanpa mami bising-bising my side.

So that's about it.

Final words, Selamat RAMADHAN and happy fasting.


  1. Heh. At least you do enter essay writing competitions. I am too lazy to try, even when I was eligible enter them. So if you are still keen on it and want to enter though too old, give the World Bank essay competition a chance.

    And congrats on the contact lense application success! My eyes are too dry to wear 'em so it'll come off sooner or later. :p

  2. The competition macam has long ended je. Thank you for the contact lens thing, ada juga org lain yg recognised my small but significant success
