Friday, September 16, 2011

I swear I'll do it!!!

I've started a brand new chapter of my life, well not really new, I'm starting my degree, dah seminggu dah. But I do feel a sudden optimism that I'll do better than I did while taking my diploma. I mean I hope so... I mean.... Aminnnn.

Terus masuk part 3. Which is a good thing, I've even started doing some revisions. I never did my revisions before lectures start when I was taking my diploma. Janganlah benda ni hangat-hangat je.... Maybe because I have come to a realization that if I don't do well now I'll end up working in a kedai kain measuring and cutting kain ( my worst nightmare) . That, and my mother wants me to do master after I finish this, tapi rasenya   tapi rase mcm x nak je. Kalau boleh sambung BI best gak...

I am happy 'coz : 
  • I'm starting over
  • There's no practical training. At first I don't think of this as a good thing tapi dgr kata senior kena pergi praktikal trainining mase belajar.
  • I don't have to repeat anything.  There are these chemistry subjects must be of certain grade when I was taking my diploma. Apparently I passed that grade. Yeay me (clap,clap)a
  • Taking mandarin. Tapi tak best belajar mandarin rumi. Apparently, it does TAKE 2 parts of your brain to learn mandarin. I should have taken japanese, tapi mami kesayangan ku suruh ambik mandarin , xpe atleast kita mendekatkan diri to my roots.
The only thing  I'm not happy about is
  • My damn external broke : Why God? Whyyyyy???!!! My Glee, Vandread and Strawberry Panic , and my Glee.Whyyyyy?!!!
  I took it to PAS and the dude said the hard disk is broken ,tadi control je dari nak nangis. I am now in the process of downloading vandread and strawberry panic all over again, dahla nanti glee season3 main dah, nak download tu lagi. Nasib baik Sailor moon dah simpan dalam dvd. GLEE rasanya I can ask from my friends,. Tak kuasa rasanya nak download 40+ episodes.

  • My mom will kill me if she finds out, I thought of getting the same model and the same colour, but that seems too hard, so I'll have to make do with an 8gb pendrive.( Nak beli baru ke tak? tapi nanti dia perasaan. ?

Maybe God wants me to study tu sebab dia rosakkan external hd kesayangan ku...

So I just spend the last 6 hours cleaning up my meja study/makan/ mekap dan buat buku nota. I guess, ada baiknya jugak mami suruh bawak mug tu. In a way, it reminds me to study all the time...

So the end product...
ok tak? Keep in mind ni baru lepas kemas. kalau dah sehari 2 rupanya x mcm ni kut.

timbunan balang kuih raya yang mami suruh bawak kat sudut meja

kumpulan lipstick yg selalunya tak pakai pun, betul mami kita cakap, I just like to collect junk.

dan of course alat tulis yg baru dibeli dgn sakan sebab duit poket yg masih banyak

I can't help myself to decorate my desk with red-ish or pink-ish batik decorations. I thought I've outgrown them,(damn!bila nak jadi cool ni?). Dahla kita the type yg banyak stuff, pergi kls pun banyak stuff, payungla, airla,pencil casela. bukan main gemuk beg bawak gi kls tu. I guess that's all, I hope I'll do excellent in my degree..