Thursday, January 26, 2012

every ending is a sigh of relief...

Salam, it has been a while since I last blog.

I never would have thought doing a degree would be so time consuming, sampai that one time I told my roomate "rase mcm nak mati, nak mati boleh?" dia kata buat slow-slow, pelan-pelan. It just that, that last day of kuliah baru settle semua, all the tests, all exams all the assigments (It did not help, the fact that all three of my lecturers decided to give their assigments at the same time,dahlah dekat hujung-hujung sem, mase nak cari mase untuk study untuk final lak tu?) I was like a ticking time bomb yg ready to explode (please refer to the awesome picture below)

I didn't know how I did it, I certainly don't how I'm going to do it next semester. 
Perhaps it is the kejutan budaya that is caused by sudden jump daripada diploma yang idle terus kepada part  3 yg meranap dan mematahkan jiwa.

Anyways, alhamdulillah I got through it all, a lot of things have happened, I went through my konvekesyen caremony, (yeay me!!!) sibuk, letih tapi best gak la. reunited with a few friends. Dapat masuk KEFAJAR that was awesome, what else? ada jugak cerita lain yang reflects our Malaysian society and stories which shocked the hell out of me. 

Last but not least,
it is  great to be home,  being with my mom and my dad  and not to mention  my cats climbing on the dining table/ 'buat kerja' table,everytime I'm surfing or doing something on my laptop they will be kalo tak tepi laptop atas laptop.(see figure above)

There will be lots more stories to tell, but since I need to get some sleep (or my mom will softly and gently tell me to go bed), that will be all for tonight.

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