Friday, January 27, 2012


Dah 4 hari dah Chinese New Year, so happy Chinese New Year!!! 
There are plenty of things I like about CNY but the loud fireworks isn't one of them,although I don't have to get up for school the next day, tapi my dad kena bangun awal pagi sebab kena gi kerja. dahlah tak tentu pukul berapa kerja kadang-kadang pukul 2, kadang-kadang pukul 8.

Things I like about CNY are
a) my mom tries to be closer to her chinese roots and supersitions ( namely, tak boleh bersihkan rumah or basuh rambut on the day of CNY which is sangat menyusahkan bila dah tiga hari tak basuh rambut)
b)In reference to a) I wake up with an angpow from my mom dalam pillow case this year I got 10 bucks
c)more money : I got three angpows from the neighbour across my house, di mana the value of each angpow is yet to be determined. (please refer to the me-if-I-was-in-a-hot cheongam-outfit-drawing)

d)my mom cook these well Golden balls : di mana  mami buat bola-bola (mcm fishball) daripada tepung beras , dan suruh makan for good fortune she says. biarpun kurang sedap, but I appreciate her effort.
e) and of course funny old chinese movies yg jarang dah di mainkan di tv which is in cantonese which is weird because most Chinese in Malaysia speak mandarin.

Plus, not to mention the 200 bucks worth of voucher in which the goverment has decided to give to all IPT's students untuk menarik... I kind of like the election year, senang nak dapat benda, no? 
Tapi a lot of things
yang tak sedap didengar, namely
- ada students yg dah last sem diorang jual voucher kat org lain, 
-boleh beli buku je  
-and kalo nak guna kena habiskan 50 ringgit tu, kalo tak voucher tu burn. 
my vouchers yg belum diguna

I did not think the goverment think things through bila diorg decide benda ni. 
Plus the silly things the bookstores are doing to try untuk menarik budak-budak pergi kedai diorang. 

As for me, I think I'm gonna buy an encyclopedia or something.
I hope this post isn't too boring or anything, I just know that I have to write something, sebab bila kita kat U I didn't write anything, and sangatlah mematikan jiwa.
So that is all for tonight... till these fingers menyentuh keyboard.

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