Saturday, June 16, 2012

A lab Report on my sem break

For the short, unexpected sem break  I had during the school holidays, I went to Kelantan and Terengganu with my mom and dad. That was my first visit to the  Pantai Timur in over 22 years. Baru tahu that I'm very lucky  to be living in Tampin. Kesian  Diorang yg tinggal kelantan dgn terengganu, tak dapat balik selalu sebab jauh. My dad drove for over 12 hours (termasuk dgn sesat dan jamnya lagi dkt Kota Bharu tu.) Lenguh kaki my dad. I wanted to sleep the whole journey, tapi tak boleh dah terlalu lama tidur kat belakang.  but it was an interesting experience.
 Rasenya yg paling pelik  was seeing things written in jawi,

courts in jawi
akademi kreatif dan inovasi lim kok wing
meena curry house dalam jawi
 My discussion
. Kita org stayed dkt Hotel Temenggung, (It was a ridiculously, sad hotel) visited 2 to 3 museums rasenya.  Rasanya org Kota Bharu sendiri tak pergi museum kut.  Rasanya kalo kat mane mane pun tourists yg banyak pgi museum.
then we went to pasar siti khadijah, my mom lah yg heaven while kat sana. Me? Well mula mula duduk mcm tunggul mase tgk mami  beli kain, lepas tu berdiri pulak mcm tunggul.
pasar siti khadijah

Then pergi terengganu, duduk kat kt resort bilik lebih luas, tapi water heater xde, air kena ambik kat bawah, bilik bau mcm lembap je sentiasa. pgi museum terengganu pulak, yg besar tu.  tgk masjid kristal,
pgi dataran apa ntah nama dia ntah.

the masjid kristal
Tapi makan dia, sedap, for two nights, kita org ate ikan bakar and we had sup perut, sebab  tempat lain takde.  And then  I watched wayang kulit for the first time in my life. Tapi tak paham sgt (bunyi musik yg kuat dan accent yg sgt thick) . Tapi takde video yg boleh post kat sini, sebab my mom punya kamera.

my mom kat dataran (I wasn't aiming at her back, but somehow she MANAGED to got herself in the picture)
Overall, it was a great holiday, seminggu tu rase mcm takde assignment, lab report ke hape ke langsung. and I have come to a conclusion that Kelantan dgn Terengganu kalo panas,  panas betul, and pasar payang is like a maze, if you're on your own you could get lost and never see the light of day ever again. You will truly enjoy yourself dekat kelantan terengganu, if you are truly a girl (so what does that make me?) like my mom.

Owh and another picture taken when we were heading home

This was taken, when I was rudely woken up from my nap by my mom" RAD BANGUN, tgk tu KERTEH tempat buat petroleum, JGN TIDO BALIK!!! " tahulah  dia cikgu Geography kan.

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