Friday, July 20, 2012

he wanted the truth...

 but obviusly he couldn't handle the truth..

I didn't want to do anything mean or hurtful, (since these couple of years, I have this disease of wanting people to like me), 

but I had to be honest, since that was what he wanted 

Him : " Rad.. saya dah xde peluang ke? jujur je ngan sy, memang sy langsung xde dalam hati awak ke?"

Well, I told him (english translated): "I don't want a boyfrriend right now, kalo ade pun it isn't you"

then he texted something like this : (with the transition of awak ke kau)
  "Thanks, ko dah lukakan hati aku sedalam dalamnya.Salam"

We are over, over a year ago.

 Hari tu je terjumpa, and I didn't recognize him at all.
 I didn't mean it, and if I could I still want to friends with him, you know since guys are great to be friends with. 
They are kind of cool, bila diorang dibuat kawan.
When you make them your boyfriends, they lose all that machoness and coolness, kind of like your cat yg extremely manja nak menglesek je kat kaki satu hari suntuk. 

Contoh kucing yg nampak macho tapi manje nak mampus

I didn't mean to be mean, and I am not sorry, does that make me a bad person?


  1. Nope. U r just being you, you know what you want and u r doing what is right for you. Giving people false hope isn't helping either. Better just let them know sooner than later. However this is just my 2cent. (",)

    1. But I think he hates me now, and that's just something I can't take.

    2. Well, the same thing happen to me and now it is almost 6 years we are not talking to each other. I appreciate him as a friend in my life, I guess the feeling is not mutual. I let him be, when he is ready to accept it, I will welcome him with an open arms, no matter how long I have to wait. Before that is going to happen I just go on with my life.
