Tuesday, July 17, 2012

we stood and yelled "EXAM DAH HABIS"

It is amazing how I am one of those who have the ability to shove, almost 14 weeks of lecture in 3 days, then regurgitate the whole thing on a 2 hour exam, then left the whole thing forgotten. Tapi here's the thing, even if I was able to memorize the whole thing in 3 days, mesti ade  yg tersalah title and isi, well 3 days adelah tidak sufficient  untuk memahami dan memastikan each jawapan adalah tepat, however it is sufficient untuk hafal dan jawab past year.

On to stupid  things done after the exam...
On Friday the 13th ...
1) The bus that I have taken to the faculty untuk ambik exam pergi route lain, exam dah nak start kita org baru sampai dewan....

2) Sepatutnya watched spiderman yg ke berapa entah (this was done right after the exam dgn mata dan kepala yg sgt sakit)

but we (my best friend and I ended up watching momok). It was a stupid movie, about people making a stupid hantu movie. It should have won the worst movie award. Even someone amateur homemade movie was better than that movie.

Tapi Kita org dapatlah contribute 20 bucks to the suckiest Malaysian movie ever made.

But since there were only us in the theater, we had fun, since we couldn't remember the last time we spent some time alone.

3)  After that we went to the book store, and realised how religious have my best friend have become...with all the religious books she wanted to buy, tapi tak jadi sebab dia xde duit.

Saturday the 14th

4) Sebab nak tgk rumah sewa, wanted to got up at 8.30 tetapi terbangun pukul 11.00 pagi. Lepas tu
 ajak  my best friend (dia kata, dah balik, tapi sebenarnya x balik lagi)
 ajak  ex roomate  (tgh exam mase tu),
 ajak  classmate ( x angkat telefon)
 ajak  a guy friend  ( baru lepas exam, jadi dia kata boleh sebab semua body part dia masih  sakit). 

Jadi ended up going by myself (so why did I bother to call of all those people in the first place?)

5) Went to a bon odori (Japanese Summer Festival ) with 6-7 dudes (because my classmate won't come along)  kat Shah Alam, but nothing bad happened..... had actual fun...   danced,  eat weird japanese stuff, tgk org pukul gendang tu.
girls and their yukatas
mase baru sampai

the boy on the right, cute isn't he?

the boys

6) makan kat barra dgn diorg sekali dgn my classmates. Then kena marah dgn my classmate and my guy friend,
"Why did you went out, with 7 dudes????? what if something bad were to happen?"
   Sebab ko tak nak pgi dgn aku bila aku ajak...............

7) My guy friend took my classmate and I to watched a midnight movie, tapi x jadi sebab kita org dah lewat,  so we went to Tanjung Harapan standing up and yelling
                    "EXAM DAH HABIS"
my guyfriend picking his nose mase kat beach.

gila malu, but we did what we wanted and had to do....

8) Went out to have a drink where my guy friend usually eats.... nak tauhu bakar, tapi takde laparnya.

Kita org got back lebih kurang at 4.30 am. I got to say 2 hari yg  I didn't expect  will turn out that way.

My guy friend said something like this, " sebab hari tu dah janji nak keluar ramai2 dgn kau tapi tak jadi, tu sebab aku ajak keluar ( dia x boleh tido lepas exam  dia ,  is also one of the reasons why he took us out )

So stupid and crazy things I did with my friends after the exam....

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