Sunday, October 21, 2012

aku tgh procrastinating

That is a very hard word to spell (seriously, I have to look it up). And I hate it, but I am doing it right now.

I have assignments to do and they are due next week. Esok, name je hari Ahad, tapi ade event kolej yg makan masa 1 hari, dan meeting untuk dinner persatuan malam esok, damn....

I have to say, I'm probably procrastinating because:

1) I am excited (bukan yg bagus punya excited, worried punya excited) about my event.
     So much so, that I can't concentrate in class, I can't do work, all I can think about is getting it done.
2) Bila I do work, in front of my laptop, I turn on everything else when I got bored and want a break, I read these "everything else" for, well, for a very long time.

Things I have to do?

a) literature review.... nak habiskan hari ni nampaknya there's no chance of that happening dan takde dalam journal about the things I'm going to write, jadi nanti tanya supervisor.... (this chapter is hard....)

b)event things to talk about in the meeting-done

c) computer programming homework- ok esok buat (yelah tu....)

d) philosophy of science (paper yg boring, xde exam, setakat lulus dan gagal, tapi kena lepas) ok buat lepas blogging

Other than that, my cat's death still bothers me... but the event management thing is a good distraction from it (and from doing my school work....)

So this excitement thing, I know I need to turn it down a notch , to find  peace and serenity so I can study and do work but I can't.... what the hell is wrong with me?

So last but not least, (it's my conscious turn now) Rad kalo ko dah sedar..... daripada ko blog x tentu arah baik quit and do your school work, since itu yg menentukan ko akan grad atau tak!!!!!!!!

So Selamat Tengah Malam untuk semua org..............

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