Saturday, December 29, 2012

lend me a hand??? people 101 (2)

The train is  my favourite mode of public transport ever untuk balik Tampin.

Jadi there will be times that I spend dekat KL Sentral,waiting for my train to depart. And I like it there. Mcm shopping mall pun ade KL sentral tu.

As you know there are like tons of people there.Tourists, workers,  foreigners, locals  and macam-macam lagi kan?

I guess what I am trying to bring up in these post is Courteous Malaysians... where are you?

Sebab there  were a few incidences where I hope my fellow Malaysians would help, tapi usually those who would offer me assistance are the non Malaysians.

1)Masa tgh angkat beg berat gila nak naik KLsentral tu foreigner yg offer untuk tolong angkat beg tu (masa tu tgh revision week, nak balik study konon...jadi banyak buku)

2) The same masa nak balik KL, foreigner yg angkatkan beg.

3) Just recently, masa nak letak bag kat overhead compartment kat dalam train, a caucasian guy helped me to push my bag up.

4) When I asked a Malaysian guy for assistance to do the same thing, siap boleh cakap lagi "Batu ke apa dalam bag ni?" (laptop antik kan berat lah sikit)


I think this is what I see a lot in Malaysia, dalam buses contohnya, those yg offer seats kat  elderly women, will be foreigners.

Tapi I guess, bukan salah Malaysians agaknya, mungkin takut dianiaya bila tolong org... mcm yg kita selalu dengar kat berita tu... dadah ada dalam beg and such.

Tapi kalau org Malaysia takut ditipu, foreigners pun must feel the same way kan sebab diorg pun manusia jugak kan?
Tapi foreigners  boleh pulak tolong org di Malaysia  kan biarpun ini bukan negara mereka ? dan org yg ditolong bukan rakyat mereka sendiri?

Jadi kalau  foreigners boleh tolong org Malaysia apa yg menghalang rakyat Malaysia dari menolong org Malaysia sendiri?

 I guess, I am asking where are the Courteous Malaysians? yg  Like those yg disiarkan kat tv. Yg I see are a lot of  Malaysians yg cepat menghakimi org berdasarkan org punya pakaian and physical appearances.

I am not saying I am better human being, I am just seorang anak muda yg sedang belajar everyday in hope to be a better person in many years to come.

Man, susahnya menulis pasal a serious issue...


  1. Hey, org negeri sembilan ke? Satu state lah kita. (",).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You can say that, been living in tampin for more than 10 years now.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have been staying in Seremban. Born in N9,was raised all over Malaysia, but now living here with my family!!! Kinda cool meeting a statemate.. hehe
