Saturday, December 29, 2012

life lessons 2012: feedbacks, cara terima

Salam semua, moga dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera hendaknya. Dalam beberapa hari lagi kita akan masuk tahun baru, that is the year 2013. Hence, the new look... (chewah!!!)

I gotta say, tahun ni I have gathered  a lot of knowledge about people and life. Hopefully, bila dah banyak buat kerja dan belajar ni my face takdelah macam baby sgt. Because that is what I  have gathered from the people I worked with, I look too naive and my behaviour agak jujur (dalam kata lain agak lurus bendul). You know kata-kata tu doa if they keep saying I look naive, I will forever look naive kan?
mcm ni ke rupa saya? Comelnya...

But then again,I like my look, tapi I want my look to be accompanied by  level of maturity  yg org tak sangka ada kat she who looks  'jujur' ni.

So regarding feedbacks, I've got lots of them regarding my event. Well these feedbacks I guess I can call them constructive criticisms.

1) Dari paksu
Dari gaya Paksu cakap, I thought he was going to complement the emcee but this is what he mentioned instead:
- emcee seksi, (she was bidan terjun at the time)
-dia patut tahu how to introduce speaker (since she is a student of mescomm faculty) but I guess she didn't know how to do that
masa tu I wasn't there (sebab nak ambik cawan)
-jgn buat event selepas tiga event berturut-turut (had no choice, that was the only date available) sebab tulah semua org nampak lemau, (I am myself surprise that I didn't get sick)

that was certainly unexpected... :|

2) Dari president
-again emcee seksi, pretty much it (dia laki kan so...)

3)Dari mantan setiausaha
-best program!!!!, buat lagi boleh?
sayang bee, ;)

4) Dari bendahari program
'RAD,jangan sesekali ko tunjuk dekat caterer budget kita lagi ok?!!!'

So what to do with these feedbacks? Well mula-mula rasa pelik dan sedikit stress org komplen banyak-banyak (rasa mcm kena kutuk) I guess now I'm quite okay with it and belajar supaya x buat these mistakes and buat event yg lebih baik lagi di masa hadapan

terasa statement aku sendiri sungguh cliche...

So bagi seseorang yg kosong  terus jadi event manager rasanya I did alright with a few flaws here and there kan ? I sure hope so... Aminnnn and thank you  God.

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