Monday, November 4, 2013

selepas tamat belajar di UiTM

It was my second visit to UiTM after I have graduated. Well not really, I don't think I've graduated until I awkwardly march on that stage (that's what happened the last time I was there, that's why till today I couldn't look at the DVD ) to pick up my degree transcript.

Kali ini my second visit to UiTM seemed friendlier, seemed less scarier  maybe  because I did do what I came there to do, talked to my fav lecturer , talked and spent sometimes with  my KEFAJAR mates, have a sharing session with my former classmate. Accept for the endless moving to attend classes, it felt as if I never left.

My visit to Dr Umi's office, was one that I treasured most. One that I still thank God till today (With that being said Alhamdulillah) She was recently added to my list of the people I want to be like (I know only nerds like their teachers, tapi peduli ape)  Dia biase-biase je. She doesn't makes jokes while she's teaching, she doesn't favour me. But I do like that she understands what it is like to feel weak. She does what ever she can to make us help each other ( This she does by pakse kita org buat study group, yg dia dah set up who the group members are going to be). She said sebab dia nak semua orang dapat A, bukan sorang-sorang jer I also like how she never once yelled at us, even soalan tu dah tanya like numerous of times. (I did this once, without realising that the same question has popped up before I asked )

I guess I like her because she helps people who are socially awkward like me to work with people who they are not used to working with. I also admire how she 's able to keep her emotions straight when she's teaching. Maybe because she used to be like me too, socially awkward and not the best of her class.

My conversation with her  has been an informative and a priceless one. Not of Proteomics and Eukaryotics Cell Biology, but of  what she has done after she has obtained her first degree, how she came to be a lecturer, why my mom is not letting me work for anything less than my degree and that I should  teach the orphanage to keep my English from getting rusty. One thing I forgot to ask her was  macammana dia keep from getting marah2 bila kita org tanya dia banyak soalan (She's a woman, so it does awe me how she does it).

I guess kite belajar lebih banyak, lepas tamat belajar di UiTM rather mase belajar di UiTM.

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