Saturday, June 23, 2012

gam jelah, nanti jahit you won't look as cute.

When you are in a baju kurung, carrying God knows what in your bag (laptop, telekung, make up stuff, stationary, mp4,and of course my phone) you think, you are late because it is a friday evening, never ever ever rush while you try to catch a bus ride home or this would happen.

But I felt it was kind of cool, with all the blood and all, the only downside was a little embrassed because jatuh mcm nangka da. and risau I will chip one of my teeth, but didn't.  There were those who helped get me back on my feet, tapi tak boleh ke diorg tunggu aku landing kat situ, sekejap menghayati pemandangan uitm yg indah, dah lah jatuh betul betul depan CiTU (kalo budak UiTM Shah Alam ,tak tau ape tu CiTU...) I wanted to take pictures of dried blood that covered my neck and tapi my friend who I met along the way suruh I was them off before she put antiseptic and put a band-aid on it. So no pictures of blood. 

I managed to beli air, hantar beg kat bilik sebelum pgi Pusat Kesihatan (nasib baik dkt je). But  I found out that nurses are better and they know a lot more than doctors do. Since she was the one who decided I should get my chin glued, rather than the doctor yg ckp "ni xde ape ni... sikit je, kena bersihkan je" since my chin won't stop bleeding. 

It was a rather productive treatment : sebab while she was gluing my wound, had a talk with her. That was cool.  Kak Faz was what I called her. She said I should get glued rather than stiches. the reason is due to the above mentioned title. (Wahaha cute kah, eden?)

So  yesterday, I got hurt, today my mom and dad visited me, tapi diorg tak perasaan pun till I told them sebelum diorg balik tadi, lepas tu siap call lagi to confirm : 

mami marah x? ayah marah x?

my mom punya response : baju koyak x, laptop rosak x?


  1. Adoi ... you poor thing.

    *hands Vitamin E gel to help accelerate healing*

  2. FAST, tapi an itchy process of healing...
