Thursday, August 1, 2013

kad raya hidung berdarah

It has been some years since I sent out raya cards to my friends and loved ones. The last one I sent out was when I was 18, in UiTM, a first semester student. Lepas tu busy with assignments and exams...I said to myself why bother? Takde yg nak balas balik pun...

But isn't this the sweetest thing? I got this yesterday from a friend who didn't even know my actual name.It came as a surprise... well not really.. she asked for my address so I kind of know what she was up to.

But I'm glad. It feels like a birthday present.Which I haven't received in some years.

On a totally different matter, my cat (Ameng) sneezed blood yesterday. It wasn't just sekali bersin. Bersin berdarah yg berulang ulang kali. There was a blood splatter on the white tiles. My mom the one yg noticed, my cat was sneezing terlalu kuat  terlalu banyak kali. Then my mom wiped her nose with a tissue liked it was nothing.

Later that night, when I was trying to get some sleep, Ameng lied down on my chest, with her nose facing my face, like its' late mother, Meme, did when she was alive. I like it. Other than it reminded me of Meme, she also felt like a warm and cozy bekas air panas on my chest. Then I REMEMBERED, earlier today she SNEEZED BLOOD.


  1. selamat hari raya. Hey, I am writing back this is my new blog.
    Don't be fool by the topic :p
