Sunday, August 7, 2011

dah hampir seminggu dah

It has been almost a week dah puasa tapi, I haven't once stepped foot into bazaar ramadhan.  Why?!!!! you may ask?  There are exactly two excuses reasons my mom has come up with

Reason number one. We are replacing a  perhaps a 20 year old refrigerator (or esbok as we affectionately call it). Although, it has like important sentimental value my mom thinks we should replace it since we found out baby roaches would still be alive even after an overnight stay in the fridge.

And quoting my mother , no left overs should enter the refrigerator  or the second (newer one) fridge during the month of ramadhan. So no buying food out of lust and hunger during fasting. So everything that is prepared for break fast must be finished and if necessary must be eaten whole (xlah :)) . (Perkara yang selalu kita buat kalau dekat Shah Alam buying food for break fast and konon-kononnya buying food for sahur, itu sebab duit belanja cepat habis during fasting month than any other month) 

Reason number two. My mum is now sangat rajin cooking. You see, on regular days, my dad is the one to do the cooking.( I am the one who suppose to cut all the gingers, onions, garlic. Kalo dia tengok, kita x busy only then will he ask me to cook). 

His best dish this year (sebab tahun ni baru buat) is itik masak serai (serious, sedap). Kalo dia malas nak masak or tak sempat masak sebab gi kerja only then would he buy lauk(s).  Dan lauk untuk tengahari is also usually  lauk untuk dinner. So, again quoting my mother,"Selagi mami rajin masak, tak payah beli kat luar" 

So bulan ni makan semua sedap-sedap, bukak puasa tak makan nasi sangat, bihun goreng la, mee goreng la ,makaroni sup la. Sahur je makan nasi, which also my dad prepares. 

Baguslah kan jimat duit. Tapi I'm missing bazaar ramadhan common food stuff, macam dadih kaler-kaler tu, ayam percik, strange food that I never knew existed, tapi willing to try (biarpun tahu kemungkinan nanti sakit perut, is high) .

I am too missing maggie curry( ni free advertising ni name nya) which we usually have for breakfast.So I guess this is the only not good thing about, spending Ramadhan with my parents (dah 3 tahun ramadhan sendiri-sendiri) is that I can't spend money secara melulu on food, like I always do while on campus.

So ini jelah kut, sampai post yang akan datang..

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