Thursday, August 25, 2011

Drove nenek to the hospital

Today is Thursday - a week after lulus JPJ driving test

Monday 22.8 - Dapat lesen memandu

Tuesday 23.8 -  Legally drove on the streets of my town to my nenek's house

Wednesday 24.8 - Bangun pagi dalam pukul 9 macam tu, my dad dengan sempoinya berkate :" Jom drive nenek pergi ambik ubat kat Hospital Alor Gajah"

So I drove my nenek to the Hospital. When we got to the hospital :

me : Nek, tak takut nek? org drive laju, org pun takut nek.

my nenek : Taklah, ko drive macam org dah biasa drive, tak mcm org baru belajar, sangkut- sangkut.Relax nenek...

Inilah mase terkembang muka. Bangga-bangga :)

This was suppose to be a routine check up since her bp meds run out. Sekali kena tido sejam dua, sebab bp dia naik.

So, same ade her bp rose because her bp meds was finished or she lied about being calmed and collected while I drove.

When we got home :
Dad : Lemah jantung nenek, ko bawak kereta.

When we told my mom :

 Mom : Kenapa Rad pulak yang drive, baru dapat lesen dah bawak penumpang.

Of course Dad backed me up he said I should drive, since I've already got my license.

I did drove fast, because 

1. I didn't want to be the slowest car on the road

2. I didn't want to be the slowest car on the road dan menyusahkan semua orang

3. Jalan best menurun je, mestilah laju. 

Tapi even if my nenek did lie to me ( I mean who are we kidding here, even if I was in the back seat, without rear seat belts and I was the one who's  driving I would be scared to death) I have to thank her for doing so. Sebab my mom was dead honest to me, when I drove her a few months ago : 

" Sakit jantung mami, tunggu dah setahun ko drive ,baru ko boleh hantar mami gi sekolah"

See, dia sgt tak supportive...

My dad lain pulak cite : dia kata aku drive ok je, tak de salah yang besar-besar pun.

So... Selamat Hari Raya.... tu jelah gamaknye


  1. No worries, my dad was so worried about me driving his car, he ended buying me a second hand car, fully paid by your truly. (dia pilihkan je).

  2. I am not worried pasal kita punya driving. I'm worried about my nenek's heart. I have only one grandmother left and I would like her to stay alive for as long as she can. :)
