Sunday, August 7, 2011

when genes speak

There are times when I'm a procrastinator. Kita baru sedar it's a genetic trait. That or my procrastinating accidentally rubs off on my mother. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my mom. 

It's nothing big really. Semenjak kita sentiasa kat rumah, (other than obviously jage rumah)  I am always the one to do the typing for her. She has this thing which she has to do for school. Her essay questions : she's suppose to come up with two of them each month. Mind you, these are not just essay questions : these are form 6 punya pengajian am questions siap dengan dia punya  jawapan lagi. 

So, I guess what I am trying to say she stalls (macam kitalah jugak with my lab reports, bila dah banyak baru terhegeh bukak internet nak siapkan)  

m : ko tolong siapkan maminya soalan ade 4

me : apahal tak suruh awal2?. Apahal 4 banyak benar.

m : Hari tu ko sibuk ngan essay tu. 

So in conclusion, I took 3 hours to finish her work for her ( baru 3 dia punya kerja tu)  dari pukul 3 lebih sampai  pukul 6. Tapi xpe, takde lah asyik fikir bila nak bukak puasa. Laptop yg digunakan kita untuk suka ria dan tengok benda kurang berfaedah, pun dia yang belikan, so ape salahnya buat pahala ngan mak tersayang sendiri kan bulan puasa ni..

 Other than that, I have decided to enter another essay competition.

Baca punya baca dia punya syarat, it is to be written in BM (not my strong point)  karangan bertajuk    Check Global Warming and Upgrade Energy Efficiency through Green Technology (lagilah bukan my strong point) sebanyak 1500-2000 words. Dateline somewhere in Sept. Target sebelum raya siap.

So I have decided to write about something so serious that it is out of my league. 

Since the only thing I'm  good at is writing about myself and things that 're happening to me( kita tau kita sgt narcissistic) . I usually don't write that long too.  Tapi ni jelah yang ade, buat mase ni yg can be used to sharpen my gray matter. Sebab benda ni susah, rasenya boleh jadi cabaran, so I can be a better writer. So I mentioned about it to my mom ,sebab ego sgt I didn't even ask for her help.

Tapi I just mentioned it  sebab the last time I wrote in BM and she helped and sent it in a competition  dapat hadiah saguhati peringkat negeri . Ade good luck charm kut mami kita ni.

So when she asks dah cari ke kat internet bahan- bahan yg sepatutnya  ? I thought about how my mom and me are so much alike.

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