Thursday, August 4, 2011

Today ....

Today, my dad handed me this letter, its a convocation notice. Apparently there will be one this October. 
So kita fikir2, kenapa dia buat October, mase tu budak ade kelas, tak ke menganggu.  Tapi aside from this  I know how I really feel about convocation. 

I can't say I'm really proud of myself because I am no 4-flat student. I am exactly the opposite,I am among those who score less than 3.00. In fact, the only thing I was sure to get an A on is my English paper. Jadi I guess, I am just relief, that I got till the end. Lepas tu ade cousins kita tak lepas mase ambik degree UiTM dulu.(tu fobia sekarang ni nak ambik law). 

Tu lah sebab kita tak suka UiTM buat konvo mase budak ade kelas, kita punya azam mase degree adelah untuk buat betul-betul. Kita tak nak mcm mase diploma dulu lots of distraction, kawan tak study, kita pun tak study (sedangkan I know she concentrates better than me in lectures). 

Selalu tido dalam kelas ( dalam kelas English pun tido jugak tapi dpt gak A) dan sem depan ni my best friend takde,  xde org cubit atau tampar peha kita mase lecture ( ni dia pernah buat  mase lecture Entrepeneurship, I almost scream" OII BABI KAU POMPUAN" tapi takdelah dalam hati je. naya kalo jerit dlm lecture hall) 

Jadi for Tomorrow and many more days to come, kita nak mintak tuhan ni : I hope I have a best friend who studies with me and constantly yells out "Oii study esok ade test" and calls me at mornings wanting me to study. In short, I want a friend who cares, my best friend sekarang bukan tak care, care, cuma dia lebih produktif kalo study sorang-sorang. 

Nak harapkan balak, kita dah dumped dah. Plus dia business major kut, minat ke dia nak teman kita study subject DNA. So, nampak sgt kita bukan boleh study sendiri because well, from you can conclude I lack discipline.And that's what I want. 

Kita mintak dari tuhan kita nak discipline so TOMORROW kita boleh jadi a FLYING WRITER ( best kan impian kita nak jadi pilot dan penulis lagi lak tu)

Okey ah night, night.

(As you probably can tell, I am trying out different fonts)


  1. Hi, my dad actually high five me during my convocation in front of other graduates, and their parents inside the hall. That was the highlight, despite me not being the best student.

    Don't know how it is related just wanted to share. Keep on writing!! (",)

  2. That was cool of him to do so. I wish my dad was like that. Thanks for sharing though.

    It's just I have friends who are better than me (becoming doctors and lawyers) and there's this friend of mine he always Dekan every semester. so I guess the convo makes me feel less about myself.

  3. konvo bulan october? sama la kita.. congratz ek. tak perlu nak merasa rendah diri dengan kawan2 yang lebih bagus dari kita. nanti dah sambung degree belajar betul2. dah abis belajar,masuk ke dunia sebenar baru tau kebolehan masing2. i ada 2 org kawan ANC diploma n degree but sampai skrg lom dpt keje lagi. taktau la kot dorang memilih keje kan.. good luck k for degree :)

  4. congratz and selamat konvo to you too. takut sibuk mase tu. Thanks for the advice. kita harap kita follow trough ko punya advice
