Friday, August 19, 2011


Wanted to visit my cousin's baby, well... that was the plan. We ended up visiting the parents instead. We weren't allowed to visit the little guy. Apparently he was.. well how do I put this into words... brain dead. That was what she said, my cousin's wife that is. 

I thought it was going to be another cliched new born baby visit. You know where you first look at the baby, and then admiring how red he looks, and then we will be able to hold  him, and then sigh every time he yawns . But then it didn't turn out like I've imagined. Especially not bulan puasa ni.When miracles are supposed to happen.

Never have I visit a new born baby, that was going to die soon. Rase sgt pelik. Macammana nak ckp ye, rase sgt pelik sebab you've been waiting for the baby to come tapi bila dah datang, it has to die. I believe they spent like less than 12 hours with the little guy, till the doctor  noticed something was wrong with the baby. My cousin said when he had him in his arms, he noticed that the baby was having a hard time breathing. Tapi sempat lagi my cousin bang kat telinga baby dia.

I feel sorry for my cousin and his wife. his wife dah dua minggu kat hospital tunggu mase nak beranak je. I never really cared about them until yesterday. Maybe because, the first time I met my cousin was last year, when he got married. Bayangkan , I never even knew the guy existed then. Tapi rasenya dia cool ngan kita Because unlike my other cousins (from my dad side ) he always tegur kita, even when his baby is dying dia still tanya keadaan kita, tegur kita , pesan belajar elok-elok. Unlike my other cousins yang act as if I'm invisible when I walked into a room. 

Yesterday, sebelum kita masuk tidur, kita tanya my mom , baby tu kena bagi name ke? My mom said , kena sebab nak daftar kematian. I couldn't imagine kalau kita yang kena macam  tu... it must be hard for them

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