Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I have it all planned out

I have it all planned out for next semester. I am going to carry out my new year's resolution : being cool to everybody, including the ones that I cannot stand.

But my mom  has a plan of her own :  it started when we were in Bandung she started to buy me these skirts (these are wavy extremely long skirts, and I rarely wear a skirt)  to wear them to class she said, I wear skirts but not on regular days. Then I started to think, what's wrong with the shirts and jeans I have on. Of course, I didn't say it out loud.

Lepas tu the previous week  we went on this shopping trip Midvalley : Kamdar she said I should  pick out blouses and skirts. Inside I am screaming " macammana nak jadi cool kalo aku pakai apa yang  dia nak aku pakai. ?!" I got it. I know for a 21 year old, I shouldn't look like a 16 year old. 

Because I have this immature anak dara look on me. (My small boobs are worsening this situation, God knows that if I could, I want the fat in my ass to move up to my boobs, but I can't so..)  And I got to say I like that I look different than my colleagues. I like that people say I should still be in high school. And if I wear a skirt I am going to look like most of them, like the rest of my friends, who supposedly to be mature, but all they can talk about is how cute is Korean this and that, owh my boyfriend does this, my boyfriend does that.

So, I guess all I want is to look like a cool guy (with shirts, jeans and sneakers (I have never worn one) ), I even thought of wearing my hair short, but terfikir pulak of my mom's reaction if I do, so I decide not to (I love my hair, walaupun kalau kita lepaskan nampak mcm kena puting beliung). I guess I want to look like a guy, because I think guys are cool, women are .... well they like to hold on,I should know I'm a girl myself.

  Jadi nak cite panjang lagi, tapi takut my mom wakes up, rase sambung esok la, Insyaallah...


  1. pakai blouse boleh je cool.. rasanyalah :)
    tp type cool for a women haha.. klaka la post ni

  2. ye ke.Tapi perempuan yg pakai baju kurung, blouse yg kita kenal mcm uptight je.tq. None of my friends kecuali my best friend anggap kita kelakar. So I appreciate it.

  3. BWAHAHAHA. Dude, I feel for you. On the occasions I want to go out in a skirt, my Mom would be like, "Isn't that a bit too short?"

    It's knee length, okay?


    I'm like really old and I still let my Mom dictate what I wear. So, yeah. Welcome to the club.
